miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013

#131 Turn The Page

Hair: *Dura-Boys&Girls*34 (Black)

Shirt:  Mystery Swag Shirt Men

Shoes: Mystery Slip-on D&C

Shorts: Razor /// Baggy Cargo Faders w/ HUD

Piercing: [S H O C K ] Gacha Collection Piercings (Luck of the Irish)

Ears: *AITUI* - (Type 2) Stretched Ears[Human, 1"]

Facial Hair: *VCD* - Express Yourself Facial Hair - Style 11

Hair: Hairstyle CHRIS - Dark - REDGRAVE

Shirt:  Mystery Swag Shirt Men

Shoes: Mystery  Mustache

Shorts: Razor /// Baggy Cargo Faders w/ HUD

Piercing: [S H O C K ] Gacha Collection Piercings (Luck of the Irish)

Ears: *AITUI* - (Type 2) Stretched Ears[Human, 1"]

Facial Hair: *VCD* - Express Yourself Facial Hair - Style 11

By. Ediiel Resident

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